Saturday, August 14, 2010

Cattiness in the Church?

I know this blog was created to advertise accessories, but it’s my blog and I’ll vent if I want to! I read the following quote this morning and was disgusted beyond measure.

“Women dress alike all over the world: they dress to be annoying to other women.” Elsa Schiaparelli

Why do we do that? Are we really that insecure? Does it really make us feel better to talk about another girl?

My husband is a Youth Pastor so we have the awesome privilege to work with some amazing young people. We go to conferences all over the state and I am now starting to notice that level of cattiness coming in to the Church.

We brought a young lady with us to a conference last year that had been coming to our youth functions for a while. She didn’t have the Pentecostal “look” down but she was trying fit in. As we were leaving I noticed a group of girls standing behind her making fun of her outfit, and not being very discrete about it. It took everything that was within me not to grab those young ladies by their ear, march them up to their Pastor or Parents and tell them what the girls had been doing. By the grace of God our visitor did not notice and was able to enjoy the conference and some of the new friends she had made. As I fumed on the way to the parking lot I couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if she had noticed. What would have been her impression of true Holy Ghost filled young people? Now I do realize the majority of young people don’t act this way or if they do are not as open about it. Would she have ever come back to church?

I’m sorry but I don’t agree with the saying “sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me”. Words do hurt. One careless joke about someone’s appearance can be stumbling block to someone. Who are we to make someone feel uncomfortable in their own skin?

I challenge you today to complement someone. Don’t be so proud to tell someone else they look nice.
Siena ~ The Polished Plume


  1. Thanks gals! I was so disturbed I just couldn't ignore it. Love you both.

  2. Sorry Ari! I thought Jaimee posted that comment.

  3. Hi Sister Vanhuesen. I really liked your post and couldn't agree with you more. Why do we have to have a "Pentecostal look". Aren't we supposed to dress modestly to reflect our Lord? It is sad to say that this attitude is very prevelant in alot of churches and at conferences especially. This is one reason my husband does not like to go to conferences. He calls it the Pentecostal Fashion Show. Really sad. It is also sad to say that not only youth are affected but I have had friends who have left the church because of this attitude and they felt like they were an outcast. I have also had friends and visitors come to church and never come back because of it as well.

    My husband is the youth minister (leader) and one thing he and I try to express to the youth (especially the girls) is that they do not have to fit in with the world. Too much emphasis is put on the right clothing, shoes, acessories and your size.

    Thanks for the post. I am glad to know that we aren't the only ones who feel this way.

    God Bless!

    Sister Kolej

  4. Thanks Sis Kolej! You are not alone.


